Attended 2 sessions in the National ICT sharing @ Kranji Sec today. Web 2.0 Tools - Podcast and Glogster - in the Multi-disciplinary classroom from Bedok View Secondary Podcast: Glogster: Can be used as a project for collaborative learning and self-directed learning for students. Students take pride in their own creation and motivate them to learn further. Found this rubric on glogster which you can use to grade the projects - click here. Can also be used as a tool for instruction - teacher create glog with all the links such as videos, forums, reflections etc on the glog. e.g. Glog on Bursting Stereotypes. Tried it out myself for the VE lesson on the topic Integrity using glogster and google doc for the form: Digital Scrapbook for EL and Humanities Independent Learning - from Siglap Secondary http// Easy editing and inserting of: photos and videos sound effects Application: Photo Journals on 3Rs Future Humanities Application: Useful for large no. of photos, diagrams, videos and animations formative assessment Some ideas for: Geography Photo documentary of rivers or learning journey Photo journal of pollution case studies History Documentary of Japanese Occupation: Photos of atrocities and commentaries of survivors Social Studies Photo diary of Northern Ireland Conflicts How is assessment done? via online download and print (credits needed) Pros: Designed templates available creative and aesthetically pleasing way to display information engaging, motivating and rewarding easy to use designed for Web 2.0 - can post online (facebook, blog, twitter etc) and allow sharing user friendly mini photoshop tools available can insert videos from Youtube Cons: Credits needed for exclusive designs and export features - however free designs are more than sufficient cannot work online - however work can be shared and data saved in cloud is secure. Works well with wireless@sg I have tried creating one myself -