Apr 27, 2019

Interactives on SLS

So happy to find that interactive media from ETD is now included in SLS. Would really hope that the older interactive e.g. grid reference - fun with building and grid bearing - flying a plane are also included! The only draw back with the existing one is the absence of 4-figure and 6-figure grid reference. However still love the games Sailing with bearing and Quest of Arudra Island.

Added the interactive media on lesson review - "How to read a map (part 2) features of a map."

Added the interactive media on the game  "Quest on Arudra Island"

Added the interactive media on the game  "Sailing with Bearing"

To overcome the issue of the lesson review not showing the 4-figure and 6-figure grid reference, thinking of using the thinking routine to get the students to draw it out.

Welcoming Singapore Teachers to join in the Sg Learning Designers Circle community on Facebook:

Apr 23, 2019

Google Sheets to generate graphs

Sharing how I use Google Sheets to generate scatter graph, comparative line graphs and beach profile for the Coastal GI (primary data) in helping the students to analyse and represent the data they have collected at ECP.

Added on how to use the combo chart to create climograph as well using secondary data from worldclimate.com

Creating Scatter graph with best-fit line

Creating a Comparative Line Graph using a Combo Chart with two Y-axes

Creating a Climograph using a Combo Chart with two Y-axes

You can also use this function to create a climograph.  An example -https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y0jjusBUyi8RbZIkiZvlfngDb_DPnLXJdrc-W6fyn1A/edit?usp=sharing

You can get the rainfall and temperature data from http://www.worldclimate.com/

Creating a Beach Profile graph by inserting a line chart.

Coastal GI at ECP - https://sites.google.com/a/moe.edu.sg/sec3geog/geographical-investigation/gi---coast/gi-coast-2016
The spreadsheet which I have created: