Apr 22, 2024

Brisk Teaching

 Utilizing AI, brisk teaching  chrome extension can create quizzes, lesson plan, depth of knowledge activities and many more in seconds. Content created integrates seamlessly with Google workspace. 

 Just install the Chrome extension here https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/brisk-teaching/pcblbflgdkdfdjpjifeppkljdnaekohj

After you have installed Brisk teaching chrome extension, just select from the menu what you would like to create. For example DOK questions

Input the learning objectives of a lesson and questions with activities on different depths of knowledge are generated on a Google doc.  Questions associated with different depths of knowledge  were instantly generated. There were even suggestions of strategies to increase their depth of knowledge. 

You can also inspect how students are creating and revising assignments on Google Doc. 

You can see a demo here too https://www.briskteaching.com/inspect-writing-demo

Watch this video to see other uses of this awesome AI chrome extension.

Pulse Exit Pass

Have you ever wish you could provide individualized feedback to each student instantly? Now you can with an AI powered exit ticket. Invite students to show what they learned today and how they’re feeling about it. You can instruct the AI to review specific learning outcomes. Student sentiment and confidence will be displayed to you.

Utilising AI to review a exit pass for a lesson.  You will be prompted to create an account with spaces


Limited to only 75 responses per day for the free version.

Enter your lesson overview and the learning outcomes you want AI to review with the students. 

Click on launch pad and then get the students to scan the QR code or give them the link e.g. in Google classroom. 

You can get feedback from the AI on the students' engagement level.

When you click on the three dots of the respective student you can view the chat.

Mar 26, 2024

Voyager in Google Earth

Voyager in Google Earth has moved. It's no longer available in the main app but showcased on the website.

Explore the stories on the gallery here. Love the one on sea level rise and changing forests.



Mar 5, 2024

AI in padlet

 Just learned that you can make use of AI to draw in padlet!

Click on the 3 dots after adding a post.

Select I can't draw.

Enter the prompt what you want AI to help you draw.
A number of options will be generated for you to select.

Feb 19, 2024

Germini AI generated quiz

Germini from Google (https://gemini.google.com) makes it easy to create multiple choice and true/false quizzes about a variety of topics commonly taught in school. 

All you have to do is enter a prompt like, “create a multiple choice quiz about the parts of speech” and Germini will create a multiple choice quiz and an answer key for it. 

The quiz that Germini generates can be exported to Google Docs and edited in Google Docs. 

I have input "Create 20 multiple choice questions on volcano and earthquake"

You can export the quiz to Google Docs.

I have then input "show answer"

Watch the video below to see Richard demonstrates its use. Germini used be known as Google Bard.


Eduease AI generated quiz

Eduease will generate an entire quiz from the PDFs that you upload to it.

Just like the Kahoot AI which could generate the questions based on a pdf uploaded, Eduease does so too except that only 10 questions are generated.

I have generated some questions based on plate tectonics here:


A video from Richard showing how it is done.


Kahoot AI generated quiz

Pleasantly surprised that Kahoot has AI built-in. You can just upload a copy of your notes in pdf and the quiz can be generated by the AI or you can simply generate the questions based on a topic.

1. Log in to your Kahoot! Account (school account for this premium feature).

2. Select “Create” and then “Kahoot” from the home screen of your user dashboard.

3. Select “Question generator” to start creating a kahoot with AI, either from a pdf file you upload or a topic which you enter.

4. Upload your pdf file or enter your topic, click continue, and watch Kahoot! AI automatically generate the most relevant questions from your pdf file or related to your chosen topic.

5. You can now preview the questions by clicking on the down arrow to view the answers. When you have found the questions you want to add to your kahoot, simply select “Add” and the question will automatically be included in your kahoot.

6. Make sure to review and edit the AI-generated questions if necessary.

This is an example of Kahoot generated by Kahoot AI from my notes on sustainable tourism development.


Using most of the questions and options generated, I made only slight changes.

Do note this is a feature of the premium version.

Jan 21, 2024

Digital Art

 Posted on the use of app to create digital art. I have mentioned Prisms and Deepart app which are no longer free in my blog post in 2016.


It is actually the early form of AI in which artificial intelligence has helped to create artistic masterpiece.

Using Varnist app, I have created 2 digital art with the stained glass and Picasso effect.

This is the original photograph I took of a hummingbird at my balcony.

Using stained glass effect.

Using Picasso effect. Love this effect and definitely one painting worth framing!

It would take me a long time if I will to paint them and Varnist actually created them in seconds. 

More awesome art from two photos I took.

Nov 3, 2023

Animating your drawings using AI

 Just upload your drawing and see it comes alive with this AI animation.


I did a minute sketch of my pet bird and upload it on the site.

After you have uploaded the drawing, you can choose the animation. Cute! 

Oct 31, 2023

AI generated video

Fascinating what AI can do nowadays. https://invideo.io/

Using AI.invideo.io, I input the prompt to create a video showcasing our PLT. 
Create a short video showing how pedagogy of play can be used in inquiry-based learning. Show a balloon pop and the words pedagogy of play appear. Students explore through inquiry-based learning in a science lesson on electrolysis. 

The online tool is free but limited to 10 mins and 4 exports/week for the free version. 

Then using capcut, I put together the videoclips - a popped balloon from istock and the lesson recording. I like capcut's autocut as it has fascinating effects but it is very short at less than 20 seconds. I have inserted the autocut clip after the balloon pop clip. As the lesson is long, I click on the clip followed by speed and increased it to 3x. I then added the audio clip which ai.invideo has generated. Really love the script and voice over that AI has generated. 
What I also like about capcut is that it can help to generate the captions. As the voice over is by AI, a perfect caption is generated without much editing!


Read how Enoch use in video to create a trigger for a Maths lesson. https://eenoch.wixsite.com/enochedventure/post/chatgpt-invideo-amazing?