
Nov 26, 2020

Image Slider

A teacher was checking on slider and I introduced him to powr.io


You can create unlimited sliders but the number of images in each slider is limited to 3 for the free version.

I like it that you can insert text and it's easy to embed on many platforms. You can also include the link to the photo so that if you click on the image in the slider it will direct you to the original photo or website.

Select Slider

Delete the 3 given and add your own images by clicking on Add Element

You can add the caption which will appear with the image. You can add the photo link to the website.

You can preset time and auto slide.

Remember to click on publish after you change the setting. I like to change the text to a smaller font.

You can then copy the code which you can embed on the following platforms.

Another useful image slider is to show the before and after image.

I have captured the 2010 and 2020 image of Punggol Waterway from Google Earth to show the development of the area. The image slider enabled a better comparison

Nov 24, 2020

SGLDC Virtual Meet II

Just some reflection on our sharing in SGLDC Virtual Meet II on 23 Nov 2020.

The SGLDC team should be sharing all the video recordings and slides of what had been shared soon. For those who have yet to join the SGLDC Facebook group (only for MOE staff) do join in and check out what the others have generously shared! 

I like that Madeline has touched on CCPD 360 resources as well as the use of Kuula in adding information to 360 images to give the students a more enriched virtual learning experience. I have shown how Google Earth can be used with other Google tools in VR simulations. Both our sharing are more teacher centric with resources the teachers can use and create for their students. Theophillia sharing is more student centric as she empowered her students to create using VR devices and the Cospaces Edu app. This enable the students to create a personalised VR learning experience and to attain the highest cognitive process on Bloom's taxonomy. 

I would also like to thank 赖世雄 for suggesting the following questions which we would have loved to ask our participants and all of you in our SGLDC family: 

In today’s education system (disrupted by Coronavirus pandemic) which physical and digital dimensions (blended approach) are evolving and combining in new ways, is the way you(we) teach still up to date? 

You have seen some examples (see), Has today’s sharing spark budding innovative e-pedagogies? (Think) what are you wondering (wonder). How could we leverage digital technologies to make education more accessible to and personalised for our students? 

What are some challenges which you foresee and has we have yet to explore / blindsided / encountered. Does our curriculum equip our next generation with the skills they will require in the future? How should we assess these skills? 

 The following is my own personal response to the above questions: 

 For the first question, I like the see, think and wonder part which I would love to hear from all. As for the one on up-to-date, I feel that it's more on necessity. The need to tap on the use of technology for blended learning is going to be a norm. How can we ease both the students and teachers into it? How can teachers collaborate and grow as we learn from each other? Madeline has brought in a wonderful idea of collaboration by forming NLC with our nearby schools. I prefer a "usable by all" approach. I like to create resources and share the use of ICT which are simple and free to use so that more teachers can be on board. I am grateful that teachers have built on what I had shared which in turn have helped me to build up my teaching and learning. 

 For the second question, I would like to put forward the challenge of differentiated learning. I am grateful for the availability of subgroups in SLS which I have yet to try. I have used Google classroom for Differentiated Instructions. I think DI is going to be another essential pedagogy we have to work on with technology moving forward with full subject based banding. For the third question, I would love to see the interdisciplinary approach and collaboration of our colleagues from different departments. Theophilia mentioned that the use of VR to empower the students is used in EL and Science too. 

 赖世雄 also shared this useful website on VR https://www.classvr.com/school-virtual-reality-news/educational-vr-lesson-ideas/ 

Thank you 赖世雄 And definitely BIG thanks to Madeline and Theopillia! 

And a side note, Google Earth is useful for other subjects such as Literature, History and even Maths too!  




Nov 21, 2020

Blended Learning and Differentiated Instructions in Google Classroom

As mentioned in my earlier posts, Google classroom has been my life saver during the FHBL for my upper sec classes as we could continue to provide the resources and mark the assignments just like  on paper using the Google classroom app.

The following tutorial on a blended lesson using Google Classroom was shared by Gary on SGLDC.


The tutorial shows simple steps to assign assignments in Google Classroom for one Blended Learning lesson: 

A) Pre-lesson Self-directed learning quiz (self-marked MCQs with video). 

B) During lesson Activity - Group Assignment Lesson activity (convert from Word to Google Doc / Slide) and 

C) Exit Ticket to consolidate learning
Post-Lesson quiz (from Word to Form - MCQ) 

Like what Gary also shared, it's important to set topic for categorization of the resources in Google Classroom. You can do so by topic or resource type e.g assignment, test, PowerPoint slides, 

He showed how you can assign short Pre-Lesson 

View his Google Classroom 2020-2021 Tutorial - Creating Blended Lesson: 

The one I have used most is assigning work by clicking on make a copy for each student via Google Doc in which I could mark on them using the Goggle Classroom app just like paper and pen. I would also like to add on how differentiated learning can be applied. I have selected 7 students (just check on the list from the class)for a special holiday assignment in which I assigned 4 worksheets using Google Doc which I instructed them to turn in one every week. I marked and returned every week. It would be saved as an edited file. I would then highlight some of the areas which they are weak in to take note of. Just to highlight that this form of differentiated learning is possible in Google classroom.

These were submitted over the 4 weeks.

You can click on the label below to see more of my posts on the use of Google Classroom.

Nov 14, 2020

Creation tools in Google Earth

 I have been creating kmz files for my studies for enquiry based learning and virtual GI.

We can also get the students to create a tour using Google Earth. This will be useful especially in story telling and the topic on tourism.

One advantage of using Google Earth for projects is that they can share their project and collaborate with other students.

10 ways to use Google Earth with students by freetech4teachers


How I use Google Earth in Geography:

You can also see my other posts on Google Earth by clicking on the label "Google Earth" below

Nov 11, 2020

SGLDC virtual meet

Registration for participants to join the SgLDC League Virtual Meet II on 23 Nov 2020 (Mon)!  is now open!


You can pick and choose any session of your choice! SGLDC admin will be using the self-select breakout rooms feature in Zoom so that you can choose any breakout rooms that will best meet your learning needs! 
Do note that you need to upgrade your Zoom version to 5.3.0 and above and sign in using desktop client or mobile app on that day to enjoy this feature. Currently there are 11 topics/breakout rooms. I am sharing on VR LJ and simulations with Madeline and Theophilia Group 2. 

Nov 8, 2020

Differentiated instructions with subgroup


From Chia Hai Siang

When you choose a collaborative component such as a poll or an interactive thinking tool, each subgroup will share an separate instance of the poll or tool if group work is ticked. If you don't tick group work, the students across subgroups in the whole class all have access to the same poll or tool.

Recording here as I have yet to explore that. Should consider that for groupwork in 2021.

A lot of possibilities such as jigsaw, expert group and many more differentiated instruction.

Nov 4, 2020

AR and VR in the virtual classroom


Jason (Australia)

VR – getting students to empathize and understanding better in the VR environment

Google expedition 

List of 360 expeditions 


360 excursions in Youtube        

Figment AR– create portals  - like window or doorways to a new environment e.g. under the sea looking at the coral reef in an AR environment. You can create a series of portals. Students move around the classroom and enter different portals to explore the 360 videos or pictures in these portals.

Merge EDU 

Merge cube  - can print and make into a cube. The layers can be created by students in apps.

Merge explorer app

The overlays will appear when it scans the Merge cube.

Many cards to choose from.

E.g. Click on the card to learn more about planets or

Journey to the core  - click and explore each layer of earth’s internal structure

Student can use screen record to create a tutorial

57 degrees north  can also be used with merge cube

Tiltballs, rubics cube  – maths


Create AR

Shapes 3D create Geometry AR

AR Makr – recreate a story e.g. 3 little pigs 

Students create e.g. water cycles Or use it to label parts of tree in an AR environment


Cospace – add quizzes –can use with merge cube

Use it for narrative

Student can Create a video e.g.

Human impact on River

Impacts of man on environment – Rainforest – labelled layers  structure with forest sound etc


Google slides and zoom for instruction.

Due to COVID, it has also created opportunities for companies to offer schools the opportunities for VR LJ



Should also explore the following recommended by 赖世雄






Nov 2, 2020

Cool text font

 ꧁༺ 𝓛𝓲𝓵𝔂 ༻꧂ 



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