Apr 8, 2020

My HBL Diary

Adapting what an American educator did ( https://www.mylockdowndiary.com/), I gave my students a template for a HBL diary which they can color and write on it everyday. Different themes for different day.

As I have made a copy for each using Google classroom, they could color or write on it with Google Classroom app as they are using iPAD. They can save their work and go back to do the add on every day. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B-ESfGOaenKaKlQJydlA_JQqyhbIhj-r/view?usp=drivesdk

Gotten them to color the first page and told them in years to come they will have this diary to serve as something to remember as part of this home based learning. As mentioned this is adapted from something shared in America which they termed my lockdown diary and I changed it to my HBL diary. In case they are bored or stressed by having to stay in for HBL.

Jinger shared on how to prepopulate the image for annotation. https://m.facebook.com/groups/214056932415492?view=permalink&id=816734408814405 
You can screenshot my adaptation above and then get them to work on one page (one image) a day. Think the little ones would like that. And as Natalie (in SGLDC) shared she believes that students should be given a chance to talk about their experience.

Also appreciates the SEL resources by brain pop ( register an account with them as it's free for educator cos of COVID) I think the social emotional needs of the children must also be taking care of with them not being physically present in school.

I played one of the videos in class. Now I wonder how to show them as for Google meet they can hear me but not the sound of the video on my screen. They can't access the video on their own as they need educator account.



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