Excited that timelapse can now be viewed on the Google Earth app. I have always love to show the students how changes occur over time using the time slider on the desktop Google Earth. Now students can explore timelapse on their iPad too!
To explore Timelapse in Google Earth you can access the tool directly by going to g.co/Timelapse or you can open Google Earth app.
- Click on the "Voyager" button in the toolbar (the button looks like a ship's steering wheel).
- From the "Voyager" screen you can now click on the tab for "Timelapse in Google Earth".
- This will now open the Timelapse feature in Google Earth, which includes the Timelapse panel on the right side or at the bottom depending on your device.
- You can type in any location on Earth that you would like to explore in search.
- Or click on the "Stories" tab. Here you will find guided tours that will take you to locations around the world where you can explore the changes through Timelapse. The stories include "Changing Forests", "Fragile Beauty", "Souces of Energy", "Warming Planet", and "Urban Expansion".
- Or click on the "Featured Locations" where you will find collections of locations around the world in categories such as "Agriculture", "Deforestation", "Glaciers", "Infrastructure", and many more.
Search Locations and Stories
Featured locations
In addition to the Timelapse feature inside of Google Earth, Google has also created a site with over 800 prerendered videos of timelapses from all around the world. You can access these at http://g.co/TimelapseVideos
A tutorial on the Timelapse feature in Google Earth
Information from
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