Mar 31, 2020

Fairy Tales and history with Google Earth

Take your students on a literary journey around the world.

Read folktales, fairy tales, myths, and legends from across the globe and discover where the stories originated and evolved with links through Google Earth. Each story takes students on a historical and geographic adventure with links to places where the story began and where the version explored is set, allowing students to see what those places look like today. In addition, links to videos and related resources provide students with a deeper context in which to understand these ancient tales and build their background knowledge.

Fairy Tales Around the World,7.56630349,-981a,15914477d,35y,360h,0t,0r/data=CjASLhIgNzYwYTc0Y2MzZDk5MTFlODlkZjU4MTBmODJlMzhmMTUiCnZveV9zcGxhc2g


Test your knowledge of the battles and events that took place during WWI and WWII using Google Earth. Visit the Places using the placemarks.


1 comment:

  1. And here is the link to the iFrame generator I used:

    I hope this helps.
